Building a Simple Blog with Laravel & Canvas CMS
After getting tired of WordPress bloat and being annoyed with Jekyll’s templating I finally moved to Laravel and Canvas. Here is how to set up Canvas CMS with Laravel.
After getting tired of WordPress bloat and being annoyed with Jekyll’s templating I finally moved to Laravel and Canvas. Here is how to set up Canvas CMS with Laravel.
In this post I explain how to install and basically configure PurgeCSS with Tailwind and Laravel Mix. This combination has decreased my production CSS file by 99% and halved load times!
A tutorial on how to built Bootstrap-like tabbed content with Tailwind and Alpine.js.
This is an admin dashboard template built with Tailwind and Alpine.js. This is inspired by the dribbble shots of Vishnu Prasad and Filip Justić. I make videos about TailwindCSS, check them out! ⬇️
This blog is extremely simple which makes it easy to optimize, but it’s been a great exercise to learn optimization techniques. Eager Loading, caching, Laravel Mix and other tools prove to be great for reducing load times!