Free Tailwind Admin Dashboard Template

This is an admin dashboard template built with Tailwind and Alpine.js. This is inspired by the dribbble shots of Vishnu Prasad and Filip Justić. I make videos about TailwindCSS, check them out! ⬇️

Getting this Blog to Score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights

This blog is extremely simple which makes it easy to optimize, but it’s been a great exercise to learn optimization techniques. Eager Loading, caching, Laravel Mix and other tools prove to be great for reducing load times!

Allowing User Custom Domains in Laravel with Cloudways

When building, I wanted to give users’ the ability to add their own domains for URL redirections. A simple idea proved to be more complex than I thought, and I ended up using a tutorial, which can be found here, that allowed me to achieve my goal of having dynamic domain routing quite easily. Laravel supports … Read more

Hosting your Web Dev Portfolio with Traefik for $5/mo

The time had come for me to start posting live demo versions of some of my projects online. Initially, I was focused on just getting those projects up and running, without putting much thought into how I’ll actually host any of them. This is how I built a cheap portfolio hosting solution using DigitalOcean & Traefik.

CS Review: Boolean Logic, Counting & Probabilities

Counting, permutations and probabilities make up the most basic concepts of discrete mathematics. In an attempt to brush up on what I studied in college, I’m starting a CS review series.